kyle vs skyler [H✩T]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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kyle vs skyler [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2021 16:07:18 GMT
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"beach volley. we're doing beach volley."

kyle approaches skyler from the seashore house. on his hands was a volleyball he borrowed from the establishment. it's commonly used for beach activities that people do at slateport beach, so it's not unusual for them to have it on store. besides, nets were already set up by the shore and it would be useless without it.

"it's played with two players on both side though."

he tosses the ball to skyler and scratches the back of his head. they could ask people to come join them, but talking to strangers is a hassle he doesn't want to do.

before skyler can get a word in for a suggestion, kyle comes up with his own first.

"i guess we can just pair up with one of our pokemon."

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kyle vs skyler [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jun 29, 2021 18:34:50 GMT
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This would be her second volleyball battle in the tournament, which is quite surprising given that Skyler knows absolutely nothing about the sport - except that the ball has to land on the other side of the field. Preferably over the net.

"I still can't believe you ditched me at the ren-faire," is how the ship captain chooses to greet the Hoenn champion, one eyebrow quirked up. "I got lost in woods. Twice." Five times actually, but there is only so much her pride would let her admit. 

She chooses the left side of the field if only to make sure the sun is at her back, having learned a couple of things from her last match. Looking at the tired-looking volleyball ball, she wonders how long it'll last against the two of them.

Probably not long.

If there is a referee, Skyler pays them no mind. A familiar Lycanroc materializes by her side, tongue lolling out in apparent excitement at being chosen, and the captain has to swallow the evil smile that threatens to pull at her lips.

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kyle vs skyler [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2021 1:52:37 GMT
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"that's like a millenia ago. you'll forget about it," he casually remarks in a poor effort to cover up for himself.

he takes out a pokeball and releases a pokemon that's too unlikely to be as sporty as skyler's. a bronzong floats beside kyle, it's expressionless face pairing up with kyle's dry tone.

"now you have a traumatic experience. that's kind of a character development! i heard people want traumas now more than ever to excuse their behavior. you're welcome."

everyone else was busy with their own battles. the only ones spectating would be people taking a break from the sun from the nearby seashore house. no referees too!

with his pokemon out, he gets in position near the middle of the field while his bronzong just floats there. he takes a step or two back as he braces himself for a serve from skyler. on hindsight, maybe he shouldn't have given her the ball.

"we're ready," he calls.

he's not sure if he's ready.

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kyle vs skyler [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 5, 2021 17:09:51 GMT
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Skyler is ready. Or as ready as she thinks she'll ever be, given the circumstances. "Glad you're so fond of traumatic experiences." Her feet sink into the sand as she gets in position, Bonnie drooling a whole swimming pool by her side and looking like the most ineffective volleyball partner ever (save for the Brozong on the other side of the net).

Captain Dross cracks a grin, competition flaring within her and brightening her quicksilver eyes. "Hopefully I'll be able to return the favor, boss. Wouldn't want you missing out."

It's almost like the champion had forgotten how uniquely bad Skyler was with any sort of projectiles - despite having witnessed it first hand. Or perhaps he was counting on it.

Her fist slams into the ball, disregarding any volleyball rules and effectively punching it. It sails through the air in an unlikely arc that would leave any physicist utterly befuddled. 

The good news is that the ball does manage to just sail over the net. The bad news is that it goes straight for Kyle's head.

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kyle vs skyler [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2021 16:49:53 GMT
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"ally switch!"

he doesn't need to wait to see the ball's trajectory to guess where skyler would aim it. in a moment, the two switch places.

the ball bounces upwards as soon as it hits the bronzong straight on. it gives the ball enough air time for kyle to get used to the effects of ally switch and reposition properly.

"nice receive," he compliments his own pokemon in a calmer manner before turning back to skyler. "is this a declaration of war?"

unlike her, kyle meets the ball with the most basic way there is to receive it. it gets sent back to their side, force weak and but enough to get it to the other side of the net. it arcs in a way that it hits dangerously close to the net.

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POSTED ON Jul 6, 2021 20:54:37 GMT
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"At least it wasn't a javelin this time." Not that she would ever hit Kyle with one of those. On purpose, that is. That guy from the cabbages cart back at the ren-faire wouldn't soon forget her though, or the javelin that had nearly stuck his leg. Apparently, 'whoops' hadn't been the appropriate response. 

With an inner compass that steers her towards trouble, the captain couldn't take Kyle's question as anything but a challenge. "Sure. Let slip the Mightyenas of war - or something." She's pretty sure she'd read that somewhere.

The ball soars through blue skies, high above them, and Skyler grins with perfect confidence, positioning herself to receive it. 

She isn't expecting Kyle to hit it so weakly that - it barely slips past the net. 

And immediately starts falling.

Heart in her throat, Captain Dross starts running towards the descending sphere, throwing herself onto the sand with utter abandon and getting a healthy mouthful of it for her troubles. 

She misses the ball by an inch. 


By her side, Bonnie helpfully catches the ball and trots back, waiting for the game to resume. Shaking sand from places where sand shouldn't be, Skyler narrows her eyes at her newly appointed enemy and serves - no punching involved this time. As the ball flies over the bet, Bonnie jumps and uses ACCELEROCK to shift the direction of the ball just slightly. 

skyler - 0 // kyle - 1

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kyle vs skyler [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2021 19:19:57 GMT
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kyle was already smiling when he positions himself to receive the ball in accordance to the arc it took, only for the lycanroc to shift it, changing its trajectory completely.

"oh, no."

knowing he can't rely on the bronzong to make the saves, he quickly turns, pivoting his heel by the sands, and dives for the ball. he barely manages to get it up the air as it balloons to the other side that allows for an easy receive.

"trick room," he utters.

dimensions around the playing field shift. the movement of the ball becomes erratic as its speed shifts reversibly in accordance to its previous velocity.

"oh yeah, how's the egg from last time?" he asks as he gets up from the sand.

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POSTED ON Jul 19, 2021 18:37:43 GMT
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"I didn't use it to make an omelet."

Too distracted to properly answer, Captain Dross positions herself to receive the ball when Kyle's uttered command causes the volleyball's course to turn erratic. Silver eyes widen in response, a foul curse slipping from the sailor's mouth. Moving quickly, she does her very best to follow the ball's position throughout her half of the field, tripping over poor Bonnie in the process - but somehow managing to hit the ball. With her head.

Hey, it counts. Right?

"It hatched into a cute blue blob like the ones from Sootopolis," she replies, spitting sand from her mouth. Phione, wasn't it? It'd made a small nest in the crow's nest of the Sotally Tober. "Did yours?"

The ball's vaulting over the net when the Lycanroc jumps up, a FIRE FANG effectively setting the sphere on fire.

And a little bit of the net too, for good measure. 

skyler - 0 // kyle - 1

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kyle vs skyler [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 29, 2021 4:29:02 GMT
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kyle rushes in to try and save the ball, notices that the ball is indeed on fire, before backing out at the last second, foot attempting to move but only managing to get him to slip backwards and fall on his behind.

"that's going to kill me!" he complains as he watches it hit the sand on this side of his field.

he kicks sand all over the ball to kill the embers before standing up and picking the ball up.

"mine hasn't yet," he tells skyler. "melody did ask for an egg play date with hers though. maybe ours will hatch like yours too."

kyle walks to his end of the playing field and makes a passive serve, the topic distracting him from being competitive for a second. the moment it flies up the air, kyle notices his mistake.

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kyle vs skyler [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 29, 2021 21:01:46 GMT
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"Mine's taken to the ship very well. Cute water critter." It should be no surprise really, given how they'd gotten them in the first place. Hers had hatched fairly recently too.

The whole concept of a play date has Skyler snorting, reminding her of parents trying to get their kids to like each other. "That's actually a good idea. See how they behave with each other." A pause. "The ones in Sootopolis were in a group, right?" So maybe they were social creatures.

The next time the ball goes over the net, Skyler barely notices it. Lycanroc, however, is wholly unaware of the conversation going on - he just wants to have fun. 

Dogs love chasing after balls, after all.

So the second it swings into Skyler's side of the net, the canine jumps on its hind legs and turns to swipe at the ball with its bushy tail in a BRICK BREAK - sending it back to the other side.

skyler - 1 // kyle - 1

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kyle vs skyler [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2021 2:01:20 GMT
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the bronzong sees the ball about to land far from kyle's reach and, not wanting the earlier thing to happen, fires an extrasensory to keep the ball from hitting the ground.

the resulting explosion from the attack shoots the volleyball way high up to the sky in a near vertical. kyle's chasing slows down as he tilts his head up to watch it make a dead drop to skyler's side of the field.

"that didn't occur to me, to be honest," he confesses to skyler. "want to get a play date going with yours after ours hatch?"

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kyle vs skyler [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2021 11:17:58 GMT
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"Yeah, sure." A pause then, Skyler's expression turning into one of puzzlement. "Wait, have you ever visited the Sotally Tober? You'd get to meet the crew too." Including, although unofficially, a certain blue-eyed 'chef'. Then again, if he wasn't there she'd be able to offer Kyle her number one specialty, Gulpin green egg sandwiches...


The ball's descent seems to happen in almost slow motion, and Skyler's attempts to catch it are at best halfhearted - mind busy trying to engineer a way to get full control of the kitchen if only for a single afternoon. 

Bonnie's the one to catch the ball, but it doesn't go over the net. Instead, sharp fangs sink into the spherical object and pop a few holes into it along with a healthy amount of drool. If anything the ball looks even more dejected now. 

"Uh... point to you?"

Happily trotting over to Skyler, the Lycanroc drops the ball into his trainer's hand. The ship captain hits the ball, barely watching as it sails over the net in the Brozong's direction.

skyler - 1 // kyle - 2 (?)

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POSTED ON Jul 30, 2021 11:24:46 GMT
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kyle doesn't see how bad the ball's status was until he gets to receive it. he positions to receive it, only to have him freeze at the feeling of drool. he doesn't bounce as good on a stationary target like kyle's arms with the holes though.

the ball's bounce was weak. it's not even enough to shoot past the net.

walking over the ball, it's only then that kyle realizes that it's destroyed. he picks it up and tries to make an observation for it. there was definitely holes on it.

"uh, you think the seashore house will still accept this?" he asks as he approaches the net with the ball in hand. "i kinda don't wanna pay," kyle confesses despite being presumably rich because of his champion title.

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POSTED ON Jul 30, 2021 11:41:16 GMT
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"They probably have plenty of them." It's not really a viable excuse, seeing as they had pretty much ruined it (well, mostly Skyler, but who cares about the details, right?).

Mulling over the subject, and because Kyle was apparently at least mildly responsible for upholding the law, a questionably brilliant idea blooms in Skyler's brain.

"Here, give it to me." All but taking the ball for herself, Captain Dross scribbles something on its spherical surface with the sharp end of a blade (where'd it come from? no one knows). Should Kyle peek, he'd see a single 'sorry' in near-perfect calligraphy written on it, followed by a single smiley face. For some reason it has an eyepatch. "Think it's good enough?"

Bonnie seems to think so. Then again, Bonnie thinks everything is good enough as long as it is 1. tasty and 2. catchable.

skyler - 2 // kyle - 2 (?)

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POSTED ON Jul 30, 2021 14:39:43 GMT
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"sounds good enough."

the plan has holes on it, much like the hole, but kyle has low standards for anything that doesn't risk his paycheck. the agreement is quick as he takes a glance at the nearby seashore house that they rented the ball from.

"i think you should be the one to return it since your lycanroc's the one responsible for it," kyle attempts to guilt trip skyler. "it's the right thing to do." the last line, he tells with the most sincere voice he can muster.

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